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Planting trees – we live environmental protection

By Neuigkeiten

Planting trees – we live environmental protection

We plant trees – as a sustainable measurable action in the battle against climate change and to secure ecological functional relationships. At the same time, it is inspiring motivation for us as employees: if we save nature, we save ourselves!

Because climate change and biodiversity are related to each other, the strongest natural mechanisms of the CO2 cycle can be repaired by the ecosystems themselves! Knowing that each tree binds many kilograms of CO2, and that solutions through nature conservation are safe, tested, immediately implementable and initially superior to technical solutions, we have planted more than 30 trees.

We are convinced that the resilience of nature is not strengthened by compensation payments or by state-imposed levies, but by active climate protection. This requires understanding of nature at all levels, not enforcements. The laws of nature have grown over millions of years and are therefore on the long run much more effective.

AsiaBrake 2023

By Neuigkeiten

AsiaBrake 2023

Together with our representative MegaChem KMI was exhibitor at the AsiaBrake 2023.
The AsiaBrake took place from February 26 – 28, 2023 in Bangkok, Thailand at the Avani Riverside Bangkok Hotel.

Booth No. 48


New representation in UK

By Neuigkeiten


We are pleased to inform you that Safic Alcan Group, headquartered in France has taken over the representation for our Industrial Minerals products (HLM Muscovite, HLP Phlogopite, Wollastonite, Talmio, Miopac, Zemio, Calcium Sulphate) in all segments through their local subsidiaries Safic-Alcan UK in Great Britain.

We are looking forward to working with Ryan Harry and his colleagues and wishing them all the best.


New representation in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia

By Neuigkeiten


We are pleased to inform you that HSH Chemie, headquartered in Germany has taken over the representation for all our products and segments through their local subsidiaries HSH Chemie Baltics in Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia.

We are looking forward to working with HSH Chemie Baltics and wishing them all the best.


New representation in Greece

By Neuigkeiten


We are pleased to inform you that Safic Alcan Group, headquartered in France has taken over the representation for the C.A.S.E. market through their local subsidiaries Safic-Alcan Hellas in Greece.

We are looking forward to working with Dr. Ioannis Antonopoulos and Sara Kogiounoglou and wishing them all the best.


Mineral fillers adopt a new green image

By Neuigkeiten


Sustainability and renewability are not immediately associated with mineral fillers but both feature among the claims for some recent introductions. Peter Mapleston from Film and Sheet Extrusion magazine reports. See the interview with our application manager Veronika Mayer in this article (PDF download)

See also at

For more information please contact us at


Compounding World Expo 2021

By Neuigkeiten

CWE 2021 – Compounding World Expo

KMI is exhibitor at the Compounding World Expo 2021 which will be held from September 29-30, 2021 in Essen, Germany in the Essen Exhibition Center.
Our application manager Veronika Mayer will give a paper titled “Functional Minerals for Tailor Made Polymer Characteristics and their optimized way of Compounding: Phlogopite & Wollastonite and their impact on scratch & reinforcement”.

You can register for FREE as visitors, allowing access to ALL exhibitions and conference theatres, by following this link: