For us, solutions which can be achieved by using our functional fillers have a big importance. It is first and foremost to create a beneficial application of our products. We develop these solutions in internal R&D projects as well as together with universities or with customers at their site to achieve a targeted use of our products.

Case Study 1
Micronized MIOX® and active pigments in corrosion protection coatings
In corrosion protection coatings, especially in prime layers, active pigments like Zink dust or Zinc Phosphate play an important role. Due to increased environmental requirements and raw material costs in production, coatings companies try more and more to reduce Zinc based products or even get rid of them. Especially the volatile pricing of Zinc based products is an additional stimulus to reformulate.
Our solution
With our micronized MIOX® grades Zinc dust can be partially replaced in Zinc Rich Prime coatings, by keeping or even increasing the coatings performance. Also in combination with Zinc phosphate based coatings, an increased performance can be achieved. As a consequence beside the technical advantages, also cost savings can be generated. Constant raw material costs also contribute strongly to a better planning process.

Case Study 2
Foundry industry – Veining problems with casted gearboxes
A midsized German foundry is casting gearboxes (GJL-200) for a well-respected player. This foundry has been continuously facing the same problem. Although they used an expensive anti veining additive (dosage level 5.2 %), the results had been still negative as partially veining and poor surface quality occured. During the foundry process, smoke was generated caused by incomplete incineration and phenolic in the additive. In spite of using an expensive additive, the cores had to be coated.
Our solution
Adding 1.7 % MIOX® as anti-veining additie leads to casted parts which are completely veining-free and show an excellent surface quality. MIOX® is a completely inorganic substrance and free of Phenolic.
Additionally cores need not to be coated any more and the binder content can be reduced from 0.7 % to 0.55 % which provides economic advantages and reduces the emissions.